Procurement – you will get the correct products at the best price

The procurement offered by Printpool utilizes a pre-defined workflow with decision points for the client between each step. The objective is to make the process secure and simple to handle for the client. Printpool caters to any documents and information needed for decision-making using its expertise in the field of graphical production and procurement management.

We give you the right answers

Other issues that arise, could be:

Which material and production methods suit our products?

How about the electric mix  at the printers and material manufactures or transports?

Should we use any eco-label on our products and which one should we use? 

We help you with all the answers so you can make a decision that suits your company and business.

Printpool is a member of the international network BSCI and uses their code of conduct as a standard in all our procurements.

Our clients appreciate the continuous procurements we make and, Printpool is always on with new technology, material selection and which suppliers are suitable for each product.


No. To get the highest quality at the best price you have to put the right product with the right supplier. All vendors are welcome to participate in our tenders. Our clients always choose a supplier.

Today, when everything just goes faster and faster, neither we or our clients have money or time to work with suppliers who don´t deliver the highest quality. Meanwhile, it is always our clients who choose a supplier.

We often work with the purchasing department of our clients. Along with the purchase and marketing or communications of our clients we make long-term improvements in procurement, purchase orders, supplier structure and pricing. 

If you have any questions please contact our specialists:

Marcus Wahlström

Call or mail at

Håkan Nylin

Call or mail at

Are you interested in delivering products and services to Printpool´s clients? Please contact us at to set up a meeting.


We are independent sourcing consultants that assist our clients in finding the right supplier. We are transparent and all suppliers invoice the client directly. Our clients spend approx. €20M EUR annually on graphic services. 

Contact us at

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