At Printpool we generally base our business on three measurable perceptions that indicate whether we are satisfyingly doing things.
We are looking at and measuring the business value we create for each of our partners and projects.
We evaluate each project individually in terms of both product quality and the sheer quality in our relation with our partners.
Most of our partners are completely dependent on us taking full responsibility for their products from start to finish. Responsibility is one of the most important parameters in our work both internally and against our partners.
We and our customers alike put high demands on accountability and quality assurance, both from humanistic and sustainability perspectives. We strive to be a part of a society where our environmental impact is as small as possible.
The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading business-driven initiative supporting retailers, importers and brands to improve working conditions in supplying factories and farms worldwide.
The vision is a world of free trade and sustainable global supply chains, in which factories and farms are compliant with national labor legislation as well as with ILO Conventions protecting workers’ rights.
Printpool climate compensates for all its activities with Zero Mission, one of the leading Swedish suppliers of carbon offsets, climate calculations and analyzes.
The greenhouse gases we generate, we compensate by Plan Vivo Forest Project in cooperation with smallholder farmers in Africa and South America. We have chosen to plant our trees in Malawi.
SOS Children’s Villages started the Swedish fundraising in 1972 with the firm conviction that all children have the right to a secure childhood with loving adults around. For over 60 years, SOS Children’s Villages internationally have given children who have been orphaned or abandoned a future through any of the over 500 children’s villages that are established around the world.
We focus on the children in the world who suffer the worst. These children will not only get help day by day, they get a family, an education and therefore also a future. We call it a long-term solution to an immediate problem.
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